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Happy Easter!

24 Apr

What a glorious day! We are about to join in our first annual neighborhood Easter egg hunt!

When you have a little one, you are made aware of how many celebration opportunities there are for this wonderful holiday. Last weekend we participated in the neighborhood church’s Easter Parade. With a fire truck in the lead, then comes the High School drum line and finally all of the families follow waving their palms and marching to the beat. The kids decorate their wagons, bikes, scooters… so you know we went to town on Pearson’s wagon! We took off the canopy and used the frame for structure.

House of Wentworth - Easter Wagon Before

Easter Wagon Before

Robb ran to Michael’s and scored some great Easter decor for 40% off!  I needed something to anchor the goodies to so he pulled some garland out of our Christmas stash. It worked like a charm!

House of Wentworth - Easter Wagon After

Easter Wagon After

House of Wentworth - Easter Wagon Detail

Easter Wagon Detail

House of Wentworth - Easter Wagon Detail

Easter Wagon Detail

House of Wentworth - Easter Wagon Detail

Easter Wagon Detail

Pearson loved her new chariot and we had a lovely time at the parade. So after 3 egg hunts, a parade and a party, I think we have done well celebrating this beautiful day. How did you spend your Sunday?

Happy Easter!!